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How to make widgets packed within gtk.Box (VBox/HBox) resizable by the user

Is it possible to make the widgets within a box resizable by the user? Cheers!


hbox.pack_start(my_scrolled_window_1, expand=True, fill=True, padding=0)
hbox.pack_start(my_vseparator, expand=False, fill=False, padding=5)
hbox.pack_start(my_scrolled_window_2, expand=True, fill=True, padding=0)

I would like the user being able to drag the VSeparator to give more or less size to my_scrolled_window_1/2.


Is the common approach maybe to put the widgets recursively into a gtk.Paned (VPaned/HPaned) as in Pane(w1,Pane(w2,Pane(w3,Pane(w4,w5)))) for say five widgets w?


  • Yes, it is common to use a hierarchy of GtkPaned (V or H) widgets to achieve this. Sadly, there is no widget for nicely adding an arbitrary number of children and have separators between them.