{'YOU': {'HE': {'EST': 8, 'OLM': 6}, 'SLO': {'WLR': 8}},
'ARE': {'KLP': {'EST': 6}, 'POL': {'WLR': 4}},
'DOING': {'TIS': {'OIL': 8}},
'GREAT': {'POL': {'EOL': 6}},
'WORK': {'KOE': {'RIW': 8, 'PNG': 4}, 'ROE': {'ERC': 8, 'WQD': 6}},
'KEEP': {'PAR': {'KOM': 8, 'RTW': 6}, 'PIL': {'XCE': 4, 'ACE': 8}},
'ROCKING': {'OUL': {'AZS': 6, 'RVX': 8}}}
Need to perform a calculation on the numbers in dictionary.
Eg: {'YOU': {'HE': {'EST': 8, 'OLM': 6}, 'SLO': {'WLR': 8}},
'WORK': {'KOE': {'RIW': 8, 'PNG': 4}, 'ROE': {'ERC': 8, 'WQD': 6}}} for this example the output would be
Following is the code I tried :
a = [tuple([k]+list(v.keys())+list(j.values())) for k,v in data.items() for i,j in v.items()]
and it gives :
[('YOU', 'HE', 'SLO', 8, 6),
('YOU', 'HE', 'SLO', 8),
('ARE', 'KLP', 'POL', 6),
('ARE', 'KLP', 'POL', 4),
('DOING', 'TIS', 8),
('GREAT', 'POL', 6),
('WORK', 'KOE', 'ROE', 8, 4),
('WORK', 'KOE', 'ROE', 8, 6),
('KEEP', 'PAR', 'PIL', 8, 6),
('KEEP', 'PAR', 'PIL', 4, 8),
('ROCKING', 'OUL', 6, 8)]
The rules aren't well-defined, but I'll give it a shot anyway. I am assuming you only want this calculation to apply to keys YOU
and WORK
in your nested dictionary. I think a list comprehension will get pretty complicated, and it's more readable to work with loops.
For each key YOU
and WORK
, I summed up these two innermost sets of values 8+6, 8
for YOU
and 8+4, 8+6
for WORK
, multiplied these values together 14*8
for YOU
and 12*14
for WORK
, then added the products together to get the result = 280
dict_nested = {'YOU': {'HE': {'EST': 8, 'OLM': 6}, 'SLO': {'WLR': 8}},
'ARE': {'KLP': {'EST': 6}, 'POL': {'WLR': 4}},
'DOING': {'TIS': {'OIL': 8}},
'GREAT': {'POL': {'EOL': 6}},
'WORK': {'KOE': {'RIW': 8, 'PNG': 4}, 'ROE': {'ERC': 8, 'WQD': 6}},
'KEEP': {'PAR': {'KOM': 8, 'RTW': 6}, 'PIL': {'XCE': 4, 'ACE': 8}},
'ROCKING': {'OUL': {'AZS': 6, 'RVX': 8}}}
keys = ['YOU','WORK']
result = 0
for key in keys:
inner_keys = dict_nested[key].keys()
# multiply the values together for the first values of the inner key
inner_product = 1
for inner_key in inner_keys:
inner_product *= sum(list(dict_nested[key][inner_key].values()))
# print(inner_product)
result += inner_product
>>> result