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How to set toolbar title from fragment using Navigation UI Component

I have an activity with a toolbar from a default layout in Android Studio and I can easily change the title in the toolbar through the following method:

    Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
    bundle.putString("toolbarTitle", "A new title");

        .navigate(, bundle);

Where safe args is already implemented for toolbarTitle in the navigation menu layout.

However now I am trying to change the title from the fragment that is opened via the method above, for example;

  • MyActivity ->opens-> MyFragment

  • MyFragment changes title

I do know how to update it without using Navigation UI Components, but I want to use them if it is possible.

Other similar questions are only related to the example I already provided above for when a new fragment is being opened or by suggesting the use of the typical method that does not make use of the Navigation UI Components, none cover this specific scenario.


  • It seems like this is not possible with the only way to achieve this by doing it directly without using the Navigation Architecture Components.