All the examples of multimap, yet to find a multi-dimensional example...
System: Visual Studio 2019, C++. Winapi with no extra libraries Expected result: stores a multi-dimensional array of key/value pairs. Able to pull up a key pair by specifying parent key pairs (similar to hashes in Perl)
Using multimap instead of map since some of the fields have the same header. Example of my data:
conversationID(int) | ConversationType(wstring) lineID(int) | lineType(wstring) originalLine(wstring) taggedLine(wstring) wordID | ...
Declare the structure:
#include <map>
multimap< int, multimap <int, multimap <wstring, multimap <wstring, multimap <wstring, multimap<wstring, wstring> > > > > > conversation;
multimap< int, multimap <int, multimap <wstring, multimap <wstring, multimap <wstring, multimap<wstring, wstring> > > > > > ::iterator conversationIt;
Try to store some stuff in it... (error: "no instance of overloaded function")
conversation.insert(make_pair<int,int>(2, 1 make_pair<wstring, wstring>(L"originalLine", line)));
Also tried the following but found that multimap does not support [] insert:
Based on the tree diagram above, the best approach is a simple multidimensional array.
Compared to other methods:
note: for a large multidimensional array, you will need to use heap memory.
void conversationArray(LPWSTR line)
auto conversation = new int[5][10000][100][50]; // conversationID, lineID, objectID, tagid = tag/text
wstring conversationType[3];
auto lineType = new wstring[5][10000]; // conversationID, lineID = string
wstring text[50];
conversationType[0] = L"chat gui";
lineType[0][0] = L"chat";
conversation[0][0][14][12] = 25;
conversation[0][0][15][12] = 30;
lineType[0][1] = L"chat1";
conversation[0][1][15][12] = 500;
lineType[0][2] = L"chat2";
conversation[0][2][15][12] = 60;
conversationType[1] = L"chat gui1";
lineType[1][0] = L"chat-also";
conversation[1][0][15][12] = 33;
// if tag id = 0 then tag is text
conversation[0][0][14][0] = 0;
conversation[0][0][15][0] = 20;
text[0] = line;
text[20] = L"dog";
// print out
int records = 0;
for (int conversationID = 0; conversationID < 5; conversationID++)
//sendToReportWindow(L"conversationID: %d\n", conversationID);
for (int lineID = 0; lineID < 10000; lineID++)
//sendToReportWindow(L"lineID:%d\n", lineID);
for (int objectID = 0; objectID < 100; objectID++)
//sendToReportWindow(L"objectID:%d\n", objectID);
for (int tagID = 0; tagID < 50; tagID++)
if (conversation[conversationID][lineID][objectID][tagID] >= 0)
if (tagID > 0)
sendToReportWindow(L"conversationID:%d type:%s\n", conversationID, conversationType[conversationID].c_str());
sendToReportWindow(L"lineID:%d type:%s\n", lineID, lineType[conversationID][lineID].c_str());
sendToReportWindow(L"conversation[%d][%d][%d][%d]= %d\n", conversationID, lineID, objectID, tagID, conversation[conversationID][lineID][objectID][tagID]);
sendToReportWindow(L"conversationID:%d type:%s\n", conversationID, conversationType[conversationID].c_str());
sendToReportWindow(L"lineID:%d type:%s\n", lineID, lineType[conversationID][lineID].c_str());
sendToReportWindow(L"conversation[%d][%d][%d][%d] text = %s\n", conversationID, lineID, objectID, tagID, text[conversation[conversationID][lineID][objectID][tagID]].c_str());
sendToReportWindow(L"records:%d\n", records);
// print all records on a specific branch. all lines for conversation 1, line 0
int conversationID = 1; int lineID = 0;
sendToReportWindow(L"Just print a subset of conversation:%d and Line:%d\n", conversationID, lineID);
for (int objectID = 0; objectID < 100; objectID++)
for (int tagID = 0; tagID < 50; tagID++)
if (conversation[1][0][objectID][tagID] >= 0)
if (tagID > 0)
sendToReportWindow(L"conversationID:%d type:%s\n", conversationID, conversationType[conversationID].c_str());
sendToReportWindow(L"lineID:%d type:%s\n", lineID, lineType[conversationID][lineID].c_str());
sendToReportWindow(L"conversation[%d][%d][%d][%d]= %d\n", conversationID, lineID, objectID, tagID, conversation[conversationID][lineID][objectID][tagID]);
sendToReportWindow(L"conversationID:%d type:%s\n", conversationID, conversationType[conversationID].c_str());
sendToReportWindow(L"lineID:%d type:%s\n", lineID, lineType[conversationID][lineID].c_str());
sendToReportWindow(L"conversation[%d][%d][%d][%d] text = %s\n", conversationID, lineID, objectID, tagID, text[conversation[conversationID][lineID][objectID][tagID]].c_str());
delete[] conversation; delete[] lineType;