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Grails hasMany associations not saving to join table

I have a Grails 4.0.3 application. I am simply starting to test some domain mappings. It seems i am not able to create one to many and many to many relationships. Now i am trying with a simple one to many relation.

Here is my implementation:

    class Author {

    String name
    static hasMany = [books : Book]
    static constraints = {

class Book {

    String title

    static constraints = {

I have bootstrapped :

def author = new Author('name':"Author")
        author.addToBooks(new Book('title':"Book1"))
        author.addToBooks(new Book('title':"Book2"))

I have author and books in table but not the relationship.

Following codes give empty list.

def author = Author.get(1)
def books = author.books

Not sure what i am missing. I have read lots of answers similar to this question and some suggested to use a separate join class. But i am upgrading my existing application and there are lots of places where addTo syntax is being used. So i want to stick with that. At least, i want to know why this is not working as this is the standard implementation.

I have also shown the generated join table structure in the image. It seems the structure of join table is also not quite right. My understanding is it should create a table of name author_books with keys author_id and book_id.

Author table

Books table

empty author_book table

table structure


  • You have not shown enough context to know for sure but I expect that the save is happening in a context that is problematic, maybe because the session isn't being flushed. One way to verify that is to flush the session on save.

    See the project at

    package prabinupretirelationship
    class Author {
        String name
        static hasMany = [books : Book]
        static constraints = {

    package prabinupretirelationship
    class Book {
        String title
        static constraints = {

    (NOTE: I wouldn't actually do this, but I am trying to use code close to the approach you asked about. A better idea would be to move the persistence logic into a GORM Data Service ( where the transaction and session would all be managed by GORM).

    package prabinupretirelationship
    class BootStrap {
        def init = { servletContext ->
            Author.withTransaction {
                def author = new Author('name': "Author")
                author.addToBooks(new Book('title': "Book1"))
                author.addToBooks(new Book('title': "Book2"))
        def destroy = {

    logSql is set to true at

    When the app is run, the following SQL statements are sent to the database, including populating the join table:

    Hibernate: insert into author (id, version, name) values (null, ?, ?)
    Hibernate: insert into book (id, version, title) values (null, ?, ?)
    Hibernate: insert into book (id, version, title) values (null, ?, ?)
    Hibernate: insert into author_book (author_books_id, book_id) values (?, ?)
    Hibernate: insert into author_book (author_books_id, book_id) values (?, ?)