Search code examples

Validate rows and highlight the invalid cells in slickGrid

I want to validate a row on click of Save. This question is already discussed with the following solution. I see that rows are invalid and the failures array has the invalid entries but cells are not highlighted.

Following is the my code:

function save(){
//Validate only on Save
grid.validate = function() {

    var rowFailures = {}

    for (r in data) {
       if(r == 'getItemMetadata'){continue;}

      var failures = validateColumns({item: data[r], row: r})
      if(failures.length > 0){
          rowFailures[r] = failures;

    if(Object.keys(rowFailures).length > 0){
      grid.onValidationError.notify({"rowFailures": rowFailures}, new Slick.EventData())
//Validation Error invoked
grid.onValidationError.subscribe(function(e, args) {
console.log("Validation error");
         var rowsIndexValues = Object.keys(args.rowFailures);
         for(i in rowsIndexValues) {
            var rowFailures = args.rowFailures[rowsIndexValues[i]]

            for(j in rowFailures){
              var failure = rowFailures[j];
//scroll first failure into view
              if(0 == i){grid.scrollRowIntoView(failure.rowIndex)}
              grid.flashCell(failure.rowIndex, failure.columnIndex, 500);//Makes no difference!
//Changes the background color for the failed cells
data.getItemMetadata = function(row) {
    var failures = validateColumns({row: row, item: data[row]})

    if(failures.length > 0){

     var obj = {};
     var metadata = {"columns": obj}
     //Its iterating through these failures
     for(f in failures){
       //Changes the background color of the cell
       obj[failures[f]] = {"formatter": function(row, cell, value, m, item){return '<div style="background: #FFCCCC" title="This field is //invalid">'+failures[f].item[failures[f].column.field]+'</div>'}}
     return metadata;
return {}


  • I was able to achieve this using the following code

    dataView.getItemMetadata = metadata(dataView.getItemMetadata);    
        function metadata(old_metadata_provider) {
          return function (row) {
            var item = this.getItem(row);
            var ret = (old_metadata_provider(row) || {});            
            if (item) {
                ret.cssClasses = (ret.cssClasses || '');
                  var failures = //check for some condition
                  if(failures.length > 0){  
                        return {
                          cssClasses: 'validationError'