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Solving Least Squares with Linear Inequality Constraints in Python

I am trying to solve a least squares problem subject to a linear system of inequality constraints in Python. I have been able to solve this problem in MatLab, but for the project I am working in all of our code-base should be in Python, so I am looking for an equivalent way to solve it, but have been unable to.

Some background on the problem:

I have images with pixel values in their raw digital number (DN) form, and I want to come up with a regression line that models the linear relationship between the DNs and the true reflectance values of the surfaces in my image.

I have 6 known reflectances and corresponding DNs, and so I make a linear system of equations:

import numpy as np
A = np.array([[1, 19039],[1, 47792], [1, 9672], [1, 32521], [1, 11409], [1, 58843]])
b = np.array([[0.05938044], [0.27213514], [0.00252875], [0.18535543], [0.01959069], [0.52605937]])
b = np.squeeze(b)

I set up the objective function to be the 2-norm of (Ax-b)*0.5

def f(, x):
    # function to minimize
    y =, x) - b
    return (, y))*.5

Then I want to add my constraints. Since surface reflectance values are bounded between 0-1, I want to ensure that the minimum DN value within my image has a reflectance value greater than 0 when converted from DN to reflectance through the estimates slope and intercept coefficients, and that the maximum DN value of the image is mapped to a reflectance of below or equal to 1.

According to the paper that I am implementing, I can split the requirement of 0 <= slope*DN + intercept <= 1 into two parts:

slope*DN_max + intercept <= 1

-slope*DN_min - intercept <= 0

Thus, I create two matrices, one containing the minimum DN value and the intercept coefficient (1), and one containing the maximum DN value and the intercept coefficient (1). I make these into matrices, because in practice I would have more than one image being calibrated and thus I would have more than two columns and two rows (I would have n by n*2 matrices, where n = number of images), but for this simplified example I will just work with one image.

img_min = 0
img_max = 65536
C_min = np.array([[-1, img_min]])
C_max = np.array([[1, img_max]])

def cons_min(x):
    # constraint function for the minimum pixel values
    return np.array((C_min @ x))

def cons_max(x):
    # constraint function for the maximum pixel values
    return np.array((C_max @ x))-1

Then I tried to use optimize.minimize to solve for the coefficients.

con1 = [{'type': 'ineq', 'fun': cons_min},
        {'type': 'ineq', 'fun': cons_max}
initial = [0, 0]
result = optimize.minimize(f, 

In MatLab using the lsqlin(A,B, C, c) function the result I get is

intercept = 0.0000000043711483450798073327817072630808
slope = 0.0000069505505573854644717126521902273

Result with MatLab

But using the optimize.minimize function I get

[-2.80380803e-17,  1.52590219e-05]

where the first value of the list is the intercept and the second is the slope. Result with Python

I think perhaps it is a problem with the constraints I am setting, but I have tried to play around with them and it hasn't improved the result in any way.

Is there a better way of solving this problem in Python? Or is there something I can improve in my current approach?



  • Thanks to the advice from sascha in the comments, I have managed to arrive at a solution:

    import cvxpy as cp
    import numpy as np
    A = np.array([[1, 19039],[1, 47792], [1, 9672], [1, 32521], [1, 11409], [1, 58843]])
    b = np.array([[0.05938044], [0.27213514], [0.00252875], [0.18535543], [0.01959069], [0.52605937]])
    b = np.squeeze(b)
    C_min = np.array([[-1, 0]])
    C_max = np.array([[1, 65535]])
    x = cp.Variable(A.shape[1])
    objective = cp.Minimize(0.5 * cp.sum_squares(A@x-b))
    constraints = [C_min@x <= 0, C_max@x <= 1]
    prob = cp.Problem(objective, constraints)
    result = prob.solve(solver=cp.ECOS)
    intercept = x.value[0]
    slope = x.value[1]
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    %matplotlib inline
    plt.scatter(A[:, 1], b)
    plt.plot(A[:, 1], np.multiply(A[:, 1], slope) + intercept)

    Which gives me the best fit line based on my constraints

    enter image description here

    And if I check and compare the residuals between the original MatLab solution and the cvxpy solution, I see that the cvxpy solution is ever so slightly better in this example (although very minimal).

    # MatLab estimated values for the slope and intercept
    ML_inter = 0.0000000043711483450798073327817072630808
    ML_slope = 0.0000069505505573854644717126521902273
    # get the residuals for each data point
    c_res = []
    ml_res = []
    for i in range(A.shape[0]):
        residual = (np.multiply(A[i, 1], x.value[1]) + x.value[0]) - b[i]
        residual = (np.multiply(A[i, 1], ML_slope) + ML_inter) - b[i]
    # calculate the sum of squares
    ss_cvx = np.sum(np.array(c_res)**2)
    ss_ml = np.sum(np.array(ml_res)**2)
    print("Sum of squares for cvx:    ", ss_cvx)
    print("Sum of squares for matlab: ", ss_ml)
    print("Sum of squares is lower for CVX solution? ", ss_cvx < ss_ml)
    # Sum of squares for cvx:     0.03203817995131549
    # Sum of squares for matlab:  0.032038181467959566
    # Sum of squares is lower for CVX solution?  True