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AWS CloudFront now requiring alternate cname to have security certificate causing problem

  • I have an elastic beanstalk instance at
  • I have a dns setup with Route 53
  • I have pointing to CNAME
  • I then have Cloudfront distribution with Origin Domain Name set to and alternate cname set to
  • I have record in Route 53 set to A, Alias point to the cloudfront distribution.
  • My application then accesses via so if it is a new request then Cloudfront will make a request from and cache the result, if the request is already cached by Cloudfront then no need to go to

This has worked very well for many years.

Recently I had to recreate my Cloudfront distribution. So firstly I temporarily point to domain then disable and delete old distribution and then create new Cloudfront distribution. But it is no longer working because it will not allow me to add as an alternate cname because it has no security certificate To add an alternate domain name (CNAME) to a CloudFront distribution, you must attach a trusted certificate that validates your authorization to use the domain name. For more details, see:

So I went to AWS Certifcate Manager to get a certificate but it says if I use DNS Validation then AWS will create CNAME records that cannot be modified, I am concerned this will break my configuration. Whois doen't list any email addresses (although they are visible within the company that I pay for the domain name) so Im not confident that will work either.

Any help appreciated.


  • Okay I have it working.

    If you validate with DNS the record it creates is not for the domain but a subdomain such as

    rather than

    so it doesn't affect configuration, also if AWS is the DNS Manager for these domains then it can create the Route53 records for you.

    A couple of problems I had:

    • When I first create certificate it created I am by default region EU-West Ireland but its turns out they have to be created in US East Virginia for Cloudfront to be able to use them.

    • You have to enter the arn of the certificate into Cloudfront, there is no dropdown so you have to got to Certificate Manager, view the certificate and copy and paste the ARN field

