Am designing an app in flutter and I have successfully encrypted a string using encrypt. now i want to store this encrypted data in sharedpreference so i can retrieve it later and decrypt it before using. I have tried setString() it does not work as it seem 'Encrypted' is a type itself so won't work with strings. Is there any work around.
this is my code
Encrypted runEncrypt( String caption) {
final key = Key.fromUtf8('u^Hrf64hFrM08HuytDeMK7654DgJlP');
final iv = IV.fromLength(16);
final encryptPro = Encrypter(AES(key));
final encrypted = encryptPro.encrypt(caption, iv: iv);
return encrypted;
Encrypted keyz=runEncrypt('this is the key');
You could use the base64
property of your encrypted object it returns a String
In the source code of the package it says that it returns the Encrypted
as a Base64 String representation.
pref.setString("key", keyz.base64);
use the same encoding while decrypting