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Query Cassandra form C# no result is shown

I am trying to run the query form my local machine using console as below

select state from table limit 10 ALLOW FILTERING;

it's giving me the output.

But when I am trying it form console application I am not getting any result.
Below is the code

  //Create a cluster instance using 3 cassandra nodes.
   var cluster = Cluster.Builder()
    var session = cluster.Connect("keyspace");
    var rs = session.Execute("select state from table limit 10 ALLOW FILTERING");
    foreach (var row in rs)
        var value = row.GetValue<string>("state");

I am not getting any error as well. I am using "CassandraCSharpDriver"


  • I found the solution the issue is with the driver version. I was using the latest version which is the default.
    I downgraded to 3.11.0 and started working.

    My server version is [cqlsh 5.0.1 | Cassandra 3.11.4 | CQL spec 3.4.4 | Native protocol v4]