I have a main program which does some cool stuff and I am currently setting up a 'settings editor' to let the user change some GUI related stuff and default values. It reads values from a text file, which is read in correctly and saves them to a dictionary self.propertiesDict. Some of the options are on/off switches, so I use checkbuttons for them. What is puzzling me is following behavior: the code works perfectly fine, when I execute the settingsEditor.py (the script creating the settings window) directly. All the checkbuttons are set to active / True. However, when I include my settingsEditor in my main program and call it, it creates fine but all the checkbuttons show the wrong value: False. I read a lot of topics here to find an answer, but I think I avoided the most common errors:
As you can see, I tried with an IntVar and a BooleanVar, but neither is working correctly. Something else is strange, when I use ttk.checkbuttons, I get the issue described here. I use Visual Studio for debugging and I can't see any difference in the process when going trough line by line, except for the wrong display result. I am happy for any suggestion. Sorry for not providing a full MWE, I will do, if nobody can help me from this here.
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk
class mySettingsEditor:
def __init__(self):
def createGUI(self):
# Show main options on startup on/off
self.showOptionsVar = tk.IntVar()
self.checkBtn1 = tk.Checkbutton(Frame, text='Main Options Section', variable=self.showOptionsVar)
# Show main STL section on startup on/off
self.showMainSTLVar = tk.BooleanVar()
self.checkBtn2 = tk.Checkbutton(Frame, text='Main STL Section', variable=self.showMainSTLVar)
from settingsEditor import mySettingsEditor
settEditor = mySettingsEditor()
This is how it looks in the GUI when executed separately (terminal with print output to the left):
Thats the result when I add it in main.py. The boxes are unchecked, but .get() tells me the values are correctly assigned to the tk variables.
As suggested by jasonharper, switching to Toplevel() for the child windows fixed the issue. Thanks alot!