I've logged into my Google account, and navigated to the reCaptcha setup page. But all it shows is the form to create a new reCaptcha account.
I think I used to be able to find my previous accounts setup for my different domains, but there doesn't appear to be anywhere to do that now (Something like a link to 'MY reCaptcha'??). I know I have at least 6 of them at this point.
If it is still possible, can someone give me instructions on how to access my past setups?
I have accidentally found the list of my sites.
When you go to the Google reCaptcha admin console, you end up at this url: www.google.com/recaptcha/admin/create. On this page, you can't find any link that gets you to your list of accounts.
However, if you just delete the last sub directory create: www.google.com/recaptcha/admin/, you can now see a drop down list of your sites, and have the settings gear icon, which will allow you to see your reCaptcha keys for each selected site).
Sometimes I have noticed a difference in the URL structure, with a /u/0/ or /u/2/ in the middle of the URL. (ie: google.com/u/0/recaptcha/admin/), but it doesn't seem to make a difference in what is displayed.
NOTE: Of course, you must be logged in with the Google account that you used to create the reCaptcha accounts in the first place.