When I first start R Studio I cannot get the following code to run.
library ("RCurl")
userpwd <- "User:Passwd"
tsfrFilename <- "/Path/*.his" ### there is only one .his file in this pathway ###
ouptFilename <- "output.csv"
url <- "*.his"
data <- getURL(url = url, userpwd=userpwd)
Returns this error:
Error in function (type, msg, asError = TRUE) : RETR response: 550
However, after specifying the specific path and file name (as per below) it works a charm. But, when I subsequently use the original code above, I am able to connect no worries and transfer the file.
userpwd <- "User:Passwd"
tsfrFilename <- "/Path/next/next/name.his"
ouptFilename <- "output.csv"
url <- ""
data <- getURL(url = url, userpwd=userpwd)
The original code without specified pathway/name works until I end the R session, then same problem upon restart.
Any ideas why this is happening? I cannot specify the specific folder or file name as it is overwritten every 30 minutes and assigned into folders for each year/month, thus I need the *.his to work straight away.
Thanks in advance.
This is what I ended up doing. I had to create a dynamic IP address using the date format as shown below.
# Get the date parts we need
Year <-format(Sys.Date(), format="%Y")
Month <- format(Sys.Date(), format="%B")
MM <- format(Sys.Date(), format="%m")
# Create the file string and read
emupark <- glue::glue("ftp://user:passwd@{Year}/{Month}/site}{Year}-{MM}.csv")
sitename<- read.csv(sitename, header = FALSE)