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How to install osmnx in Pycharm

I am trying to install OSMNX module in Pycharm (using Python 3.7.2). I tried installing it using pip install osmnx but got the following error[![error][1]][1] i have also tried using .whl files from [][2] but I cannot identify how/what steps to follow. Please provide some clear steps!

Most of the other question are answered w.r.t. conda environment. I have to use Pcharm only.

Input in any form is highly appreciated! [1]: [2]:


  • You said:

    I have to use Pcharm only.

    Does that mean you cannot use conda + pycharm on your system for some reason? If you can, then:

    1. Install OSMnx with conda
    2. Use Conda environment in pycharm

    This is by far the easiest (and recommended) solution. If you cannot, then you must manually install the dependencies. This is a nontrivial process, especially if you're on Windows. OSMnx itself is pure Python and its installation is simple, but its dependencies have C extensions that require compilation.

    You can see OSMnx's dependencies here and you'll have to install them one at a time. All of the tricky dependencies are brought in via geopandas, and you can read more about its installation details and dependencies here.