I am trying to create a new Environment variable in Robot framework. I used
Set Environment Variable ${myVar} myVal
I am getting error as:
Variable '${myVar}' not found
so does "Set Environment Variable" use to replace the existing variable value? If so how to create a new variable which is not defined?
The first argument to Set Environment Variable
must be the environment variable name. Environment variables are not named the same as robot variables, they do not use the dollar sign or curly brace.
It's not clear what environment variable you want to set, but assuming you want to create an environment variable named "MYVAR", you would do this:
Set environment variable MYVAR myVal
You can then reference this environment variable later in your test with robot syntax (eg: %{MYVAR}
Note: the first argument can be a variable, if that variable itself contains the name of the environment variable. The following two lines do the exact same thing as the code above:
${myvar}= Set variable MYVAR
Set environment variable ${myvar} myVal