Let's say we have two 3D arrays, A(x,y,z) and B(x,y,z) that x,y,z are dimensions. I want to identify all the minimum values across the z-axis in the A array and then based on those values and their indices choose the corresponding values in the B, keep them and replace other values with zero.
You can think of it a little differently. Finding the locations of the minima in A
is straightforward:
ind = np.expand_dims(np.argmin(A, axis=2), axis=2)
You can do one of the following things:
Simplest: create a replacement of B
and populate the relevant elements:
C = np.zeros_like(B)
np.put_along_axis(C, ind, np.take_along_axis(B, ind, 2), 2)
Same thing, but in-place:
values = np.take_along_axis(B, ind, 2)
B[:] = 0
np.put_along_axis(B, ind, values, 2)
Convert the index to a mask:
mask = np.ones(B.shape, dtype=bool)
np.put_along_axis(mask, ind, False, 2)
B[mask] = 0
You can replace the calls to take_along_axis
and put_along_axis
with suitable indexing expressions. In particular:
indx, indy = np.indices(A.shape[:-1])
indz = np.argmin(A, axis=-1)
The examples above then transform into
New array:
C = np.zeros_like(B)
C[indx, indy, indz] = B[indx, indy, indz]
values = B[indx, indy, indz]
B[:] = 0
B[indx, indy, indz] = values
mask = np.ones(B.shape, dtype=bool)
mask[indx, indy, indz] = False
B[mask] = 0