I have a PHP site that makes use of sessions, which obviously are not supposed to be able to persist if you close your browser. I've done this scores of times, no issues.
And no issue currently - except within Microsoft's new Edge browser. If the user logs in, works in the site, closes Edge's window in the top right corner, and then re-opens the page and pastes the web address (or bookmarked it before), all their variables from the previous visit are still present. That's a problem, as each visit the viewer will likely want to give/lookup changing information.
I've successfully replicated the problem in Edge. What I can't figure out is why Edge is doing it. Every other browser kills the session and all its variables upon closing of the window (tested all the major browsers, including Internet Explorer). The only thing I can think of is Edge isn't actually closing as a program when the window is closing. Has anyone else ran into this problem? I can't find anything in the forums.
It is possible the session ended, but there is a bug with the cache.
I noticed that Edge is very aggressive with using cached pages. It would show a signed in page even after the user signed off (actually killing their session and updating the session cookie) because it would not respect the etag or any other cache instructions. I had to specifically prevent IE11 and Edge from caching at all.