so I have a code like this
%let fdate=%sysfunc(today());
%put %sysfunc(putn(&fdate,MMDDYYD10.));
%let ydate=%eval(&fdate-1);
%put %sysfunc(putn(&ydate,MMDDYYD10.));
AND it seems working
127 %let fdate=%sysfunc(today());
128 %put %sysfunc(putn(&fdate,MMDDYYD10.));
SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable FDATE resolves to 22152
129 %let ydate=%eval(&fdate-1);
SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable FDATE resolves to 22152
130 %put %sysfunc(putn(&ydate,MMDDYYD10.));
SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable YDATE resolves to 22151
but I am using like this.
proc import datafile = "S:csse_covid_19_daily_reports\&ydate..csv"
out = T0824
dbms = CSV
The error message is showing like this.
ERROR: Import unsuccessful. See SAS Log for details.
NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.
NOTE: PROCEDURE IMPORT used (Total process time):
real time 0.02 seconds
cpu time 0.01 seconds
They converted back to 22151.
I have a file like this
so to pull this file in proc import, I want format like 8-24-2020. so I can get data from CSV to sas.
How can I fix the code?
You need to use the same variable. In your testing you're using %SYSFUNC() but in your code you're not, so you're not comparing the same thing really.
Change your code to be:
Or change your macro variable to be formatted. If you're using it in multiple locations then use %SYSFUNC() to control the display in different sitautions as warranted.