Search code examples

Express Knex req.query

express and knex are beating me a little; I can't make this endpoint work using req.querys (response from express), even though I made one with req.params and it was ok.


app.get(`/actor`, async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
    try {
        // const { gender } = req.query;
        const count = await getActorsByGender(req.query.gender as string);

        console.log({ count });
        res.status(200).send({ quantity: count, });
    } catch (error) {
        res.status(200).send({ message: error.sqlMessage || error.message });

Knex requisition:

const getActorsByGender = async (gender: string): Promise<any> => {
    try {
        const result = await connection.raw(`
            SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM Actor
            WHERE gender = "${gender}"

        // console.log(`Temos: ${result[0][0].count} ocorrências`);
        return result;
    } catch (error) {

This might be because of the count(), but I'm not sure. The knex part is ok; I can console.log() the result. The express part showed a empty object on insomnia

Insomnia Page

Using 'male' as parameter it was expected to return "2" as result.


  • Your sending male as a route/path parameter since you use http://localhost:3000/actor/male.

    If you want to access it as a query-param, you can leave your code as it is, but you need to change your request-url to http://localhost:3000/actor?gender=male

    Note that ff you wanted to define gender as a route-parameter, you'd need to change your route-handler to app.get("/actor/:gender") and access it using req.params.gender.