I have 2 questions, marked Q1, Q2 below. Q1 is the main one, Q2 is of secondary importance.
I want to read new limits from a zoomed matplotlib.pyplot
figure. That is, I expect something like the following steps take place:
commandIf Q2 is "no" then steps (6-7) are replaced by another loop where the figure is closed in (5) and re-drawn and start from (1). I would be ok with that, but prefer a "Q2=yes" version.
Based on get the key value when calling matplolib pyplot waitforbuttonpress() I guess plt.waitforbuttonpress()
is somehow involved, but I cannot decipher the advice in that link. I have never used the "event" stuff in python. I'm hoping the plot window already has some built-in event
s in it, can I access them somehow?
Example code:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
N = 9999
dt = 0.1 / 180 * np.pi # 0.1 degree steps
tt = np.arange(0, N*dt, dt)
yy = np.sin(tt) + 0.05 * np.random.random(tt.shape) # include some noise
fig = plt.figure()
# now the user zooms in... and questions Q1, Q2 apply.
Ok, I found a solution, although I feel this is quite non-aesthetic. I would very much welcome better solutions. This one works, for both question Q1 and Q2, but has 2 drawbacks: (1) it uses a global variable, which I've been told is bad programming(?), and (2) it gives a deprecation warning. Code modification is motivated from https://matplotlib.org/3.3.1/gallery/widgets/rectangle_selector.html (h/t @tmdavison)
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def press_key_in_figure(event):
global xlimits
print("You pressed %s" % event.key)
if event.key == 'a':
xlimits = ax.get_xlim() # floats
print("new x-limits: %.2f %.2f" % xlimits)
if event.key == 'b':
ylimits = ax.get_ylim() # floats
print("new y-limits: %.2f %.2f" % ylimits)
xlimits = (0, 0)
N = 9999
dt = 0.1 / 180 * np.pi # 0.1 degree steps
tt = np.arange(0, N*dt, dt)
yy = np.sin(tt) + 0.05 * np.random.random(tt.shape) # include some noise
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', press_key_in_figure)
# now the user zooms in... and questions Q1, Q2 apply.
print("The new x-limits after the window was closed are", xlimits)
When I run it and zoom the picture, and press "a" or "b" it gives out:
C:\python\lib\tkinter\__init__.py:1705: MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: Toggling axes navigation from the keyboard is deprecated since 3.3 and will be removed two minor releases later.
return self.func(*args)
You pressed a
new x-limits: 3.62 6.48
You pressed b
new y-limits: -0.73 -0.23
I'm not sure what "Toggling axes navigation" means; I'm not toggling anything here? Interestingly, my python --version
is 3.7.2 so it seems not to be removed, contrary to what is claimed in the warning.