I am trying to include a maze generation in my pathfinding visualization solution in order to generate mazes on what the current application can work on.
I found a very well structured website, there are bunch of maze generation algorithms, but I primarily focused on one: http://weblog.jamisbuck.org/2011/1/12/maze-generation-recursive-division-algorithm
My programming language knowledge is mostly C++ and the application that I have is built with that + SDL2.0.
My "grid" (2D matrix) is made of "cells/nodes" represented by box textures rendered on the window surface. Where each "cell" can be in different states - obstacle == it's a wall - white state == it's passage.
What I face as an issue is that my "passage" is sometimes blocked by the next wall generated at random - which leads to unsolvable maze.
The question is how to avoid a wall that is generated to not block a previously opened passage?
void RecursiveDivision::divide(NodesMap* map, int x, int y, int width, int
height, Orientation orientation, SDL_Renderer* renderer)
if (width < 2|| height < 2)
bool wallIsHorizontal = orientation == Orientation::Horizontal ? true : false;
//Where the wall is
int wX = x + (wallIsHorizontal ? 0 : rand() % (width-1));
int wY = y + (wallIsHorizontal ? rand() % (height-1): 0);
//Where the passage is
int pX = wX + (wallIsHorizontal ? (rand() % width) : 0);
int pY = wY + (wallIsHorizontal ? 0 : (rand() % height));
//How long is the wall
int wallLenght = (wallIsHorizontal ? width : height);
//On whitch axis will the wall be drawn
int dX = wallIsHorizontal ? 1 : 0;
int dY = wallIsHorizontal ? 0 : 1;
//Draw the wall
for (int i = 0; i < wallLenght; ++i)
if (wX != pX || wY != pY)
map->getNode(wX, wY)->hardChangeState(NodeState::OBSTACLE);
wX += dX;
wY += dY;
//Render the current state
map->render(renderer, nullptr);
int nX = x; int nY = y;
int w = wallIsHorizontal ? width : (wX - x);
int h = wallIsHorizontal ? (wY - y ) : height;
divide(map, nX, nY, w, h, chooseOrientation(w, h), renderer);
nX = wallIsHorizontal ? x : (wX + 1);
nY = wallIsHorizontal ? (wY + 1) : y;
w = wallIsHorizontal ? width : (x + width - wX -1);
h = wallIsHorizontal ? (y + height - wY-1 ) : height;
divide(map, nX, nY, w, h, chooseOrientation(w, h),renderer);
2 step from the start of algorithm
Example - "finished maze" on 20x20 tile map:
The screenshots you see are from separate run of the program, so they differ. I hope you can get the point.
In contrast to the link you were inspired from, your walls take a space of one cell. The easiest way to avoid your problem would be that your walls can only be placed on one column/row out of two.
This is what would a maze with "thin walls" produce
And here's the equivalent with thick walls (what you're using)
As you can see, their grids don't have the same size, the first one is a 3x3, and the last is 5x5, without borders (edited since yours doesn't have borders).
To resume, you can place walls
o o o o o
o o o o o <- here
o o o o o
o o o o o <- here
o o o o o
^ ^
here here
(*) 2n - 1 is without borders, else use 2n + 1
How to implement this in your code:
const int truewidth = (width-1)/2;
const int trueheight = (height-1)/2;
//Where the wall is
int wX = x + (wallIsHorizontal ? 0 : 2 * (rand() % (truewidth)) + 1);
int wY = y + (wallIsHorizontal ? 2 * (rand() % (trueheight)) + 1: 0);
//Where the passage is
int pX = wX + (wallIsHorizontal ? 2 * (rand() % (truewidth)) : 0);
int pY = wY + (wallIsHorizontal ? 0 : 2 * (rand() % (trueheight)));
/!\ untested yet