I'm making a chat using Python 3.8 and Tkinter. I have implemented colored text via window.create() method of Text widget. But when you start scrolling up, this text overlaps the rest of the program's interface. How can I fix this?
Here's code that i'm using:
def coloredOutput(self, bg, fg, text):
a = []
for line in text.split('\n'):
if len(a) <= 10:
label = Text(bg=bg, fg=fg, width=max(a), height=len(a), borderwidth=0)
label.insert(1.0, text)
msg = "~ too many lines! 10 is max, but there's " + str(len(a)) + " lines in this message ~"
label = Text(bg="red", fg="white", width=len(msg), height=1, borderwidth=0)
label.insert(1.0, msg)
except Exception as e:
msg = "Formatting error! Maybe your message is not properly formatted?"
label = Text(bg="red", fg="white", width=len(msg), height=1, borderwidth=0)
label.insert(1.0, msg)
self.text.window_create(END, window=label)
Thanks for your help. Sorry for any mistakes in my english, I'm from Ukraine.
The window that is being added with window_create
needs to be a child of the text widget rather than a child of the root window.
label = Text(self.text, ...)
self.text.window_create(END, label)