I have page in xhtml, I want to not render this page on production so I wrapped all elements on page with panel
<p:panel id="main" rendered="#{swaggerBean.activeProfiles}" >
public class SwaggerBean{
Environment environment;
public boolean getActiveProfiles() {
String[] activeProfiles = environment.getActiveProfiles();
for (String activeProfile : activeProfiles) {
if (activeProfile.contains("prod"))
return true;
return false;
After I try to enter to my page I have null pointer exception on line:
String[] activeProfiles = environment.getActiveProfiles();
I also tried to inject Environment by @ManagedProperty, but result is the same
private Environment environment;
Do You know how to avoid this null pointer on my @ManagedBean? I tried solution with EnvironmentAware from Autowired Environment is null, but still there's NPE, or maybe there's better way to disable my page on production?
Annotate SwaggerBean with @Component rather than @ManagedBean