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How to move the marker icon from one latitude,longitude to another (fetched from the API) using leaflet open street map in angular

I my angular application I have used the Leaflet open street map for creation of map.And I have fetched the latitude and longitude array from the API.That is

"Drone": {
    "Droneid": 1001,
    "latlong": [
            "lat": 12.989839,
            "lon": 80.198822
            "lat": 13.051832,
            "lon": 80.194480
            "lat": 13.038453,
            "lon": 80.227442
            "lat": 13.009018,
            "lon": 80.242550
            "lat": 12.976903,
            "lon": 80.237056
            "lat": 12.956829,
            "lon": 80.193107
            "lat": 12.980917,
            "lon": 80.150531
            "lat": 13.007680,
            "lon": 80.149158
            "lat": 13.043805,
            "lon": 80.154651

From the above array I have Placed the circle of 5 km radius with first object of lat,lon values from the array(i.e index 0 values from the array) and with index 1 values I have placed the drone icon,and with remaining lat,lon values(remaining objects fromt he latlong array)I have placed the dots on the map.

But now I have to move the drone icon from one latitude,longitude to another one (on the dots)those are array values fetched from the API.


 var  map ='map').setView([13.0827, 80.2707], 11);

L.tileLayer('https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
 attribution: '© <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors'
} ).addTo(map);
this.drones.Drone.latlong.forEach((latlong, idx)=>{
var latlng = L.latLng(,latlong.lon)
if(idx === 0){,{radius:5000}).addTo(map);
}else if(idx===1){
 L.marker([,latlong.lon],{icon:myIcon}) .addTo(map)
else if(idx>=2){,{radius:20}) .addTo(map)

So how to move the drone icon(i.e index =1) to dots in the map(from index[2] to end of the array fetched from the array)

Can anyone help me regarding this.


  • Update with setTimeout the latlng of the marker

    var TIME = 1000; // 1000 milliseconds = 1 second
    var latlngs = this.drones.Drone.latlong;
    var START_IDX = 2;
    var latlngIdx = START_IDX; // 0 = Circle, 1 = First position
    var marker;
    latlngs.forEach((latlong, idx)=>{
        var latlng = L.latLng(,latlong.lon)
        if(idx === 0){
        }else if(idx===1){
          marker = L.marker(latlng,{icon:myIcon}).addTo(map)
        }else if(idx>=2){
,{radius:20}) .addTo(map)
    function nextLatLng(){
            if(latlngIdx === latlngs.length){ // Beginn on idx 2 if last idx is reached
                latlngIdx = START_IDX;
            setTimeout(nextLatLng,TIME); // recall nextLatLng() after 1000 ms