I want to use Botium for creating chatbot test scripts.
For that I will define Botium convo and utterance files.
Can I activate the CLI (or other Botium api) to parse the Botium files and generate expanded test scripts out of those files? I want the generated files to include just bot and user texts without reference to other files of partial scripts and without reference to utterances file.
For example, if my hello.convo.txt file is:
TC01 - Greeting
Hello, meat bag! How can I help you ?
And the hello_utt.utterances.txt is:
hello bot!!!!
hi bot!
I want to activate Botium to generate expanded test scrips.
First test:
TC01 - Greeting -1
hello bot!!!!
Hello, meat bag! How can I help you ?
Second test:
TC01 - Greeting -2
hi bot!
Hello, meat bag! How can I help you ?
Does it supported by Botium?
It is the default behaviour of Botium CLI to do this kind of expansion on the fly, when runnning the tests - the scripts will be compiled in-memory to exactly what you described. Currently there is no option to dump this in-memory representation back to disk.