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How to clean junk files in Xcode from iOS support

I have tried cleaning the simulator but it again occupies 6gb disk space on my Mac. Can anyone suggest manual cleaning?


    • Delete the contents of "~/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport/".
    • Remove all "paired devices" in iOS settings > Developer.
    • Connect iPhone to the Mac and pick "Don't trust".

    Since the above is not okay for iTunes syncing etc, try the following:

    Delete the contents of the folder "~/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport/" and then right click > get info > lock the folder.

    Locking the folder will stop Xcode from copying the simulator files from the iPhone to that folder next time you connect them.

    It is possible that Xcode starts downloading it via nsurlsessiod so you can block it either