Spring Security provided Kotlin DSL for easier configuration. Here's an example from Spring Blog:
override fun configure(http: HttpSecurity?) {
http {
httpBasic {}
authorizeRequests {
authorize("/greetings/**", hasAuthority("ROLE_ADMIN"))
authorize("/**", permitAll)
I want to allow only POST request to a particular path. In Java, you can do:
.antMatchers(HttpMethod.POST, "/greetings").hasRole("ADMIN");
Any examples using Kotlin DSL?
Asked too early. Seems like I've found the solution after looking through source.
Adding for future reference:
override fun configure(http: HttpSecurity) {
http {
csrf { disable() }
httpBasic {}
authorizeRequests {
authorize(AntPathRequestMatcher("/greetings", HttpMethod.POST.name), hasRole("ADMIN"))
authorize("/**", denyAll)