I am having some trouble over fmdb with iphone 3g with firmware:4.2.1 (8C148). I have a large NSMutableArray that contains sql commands (downloaded from a database). I populate the NSMutableArray via NSAutoreleasePool (part of releasing some memory for iphone 3g), and I get a 40+ mb array.
Then, I use the following commands:
[db beginTransaction];
for (NSString* sql in updateSQL)
if (sql!=@"") {
BOOL fmtest = [db executeUpdate:sql];
if (!fmtest) {
NSLog(@"Sql FAIL: %@",sql);
if ([db hadError]) {
NSLog(@"Err %d: %@", [db lastErrorCode], [db lastErrorMessage]);
// fetches--; // Counter of total updates;
[db commit];
During the update process, I get a 40/50 Mb memory allocation. Iphone 3g can't handle that and it fails miserably with level 1 warnings and finally exiting.
I tried it on iphone 3GS and it works fine.
Does anyone have any idea on how to skip that? I can't use core data (even though it's a great solution) because I have already a large database premade bundled with the app.
Close the DB between calls using
[db close];
To make sure free the memory no longer in use.
Most developers try to keep the DB connection open as long as possible. However on the iPhone - with memory the tightest constrain and IO fast - repeatedly opening/closing the DB for each call is faster most of the time.