I'm trying to use web api query and without fetchxml, I was able to build this endpoint but the resultset is behaving like LEFT OUTER JOIN, but I need INNER JOIN.
is having lookup of new_currentappointment
(most recent record is captured in here from a subgrid list), new_currentappointment
is having new_user
I want the list of new_demo
with new_currentappointment_lookup
where new_user_lookup
is the filter.
https://crmdev.crm.dynamics.com/api/data/v9.1/new_demo?$select=new_attribute_one&$expand=new_currentappointment_lookup($select=new_attribute_two;$filter=_new_user_lookup_value eq <guid>)
The result is bringing the every single new_demo
in the system, but the expand filter only results null. How to eliminate the filtered null result from expanded entity in main result?
"value": [
"@odata.etag": "W/\"608177550\"",
"new_attribute_one": "Demo 1",
"new_currentappointment_lookup": {
"new_attribute_two": "testing comments",
"_new_user_lookup_value": "guid",
"@odata.etag": "W/\"608177790\"",
"new_attribute_one": "Demo 2",
"new_currentappointment_lookup": null,
This result explained in ASP.NET web api documentation is what I'm looking for, but I could not find one for Dynamics CRM web api. Any other easy way I'm missing?
From Doc feedback: CRM web api expand along with filter - inner join or left join?
This is the equivalent query to your scenario:
$filter=contactid eq '384d0f84-7de6-ea11-a817-000d3a122b89'))
The $filter just controls whether the record is expanded or not.
It is the difference between this:
"@odata.etag": "W/\"31762030\"",
"title": "Sample Case",
"incidentid": "d3d685f9-cddd-ea11-a813-000d3a122b89",
"customerid_account": {
"name": "Fourth Coffee",
"accountid": "ccd685f9-cddd-ea11-a813-000d3a122b89",
"primarycontactid": {
"fullname": "Charlie Brown",
"contactid": "384d0f84-7de6-ea11-a817-000d3a122b89"
And this:
"@odata.etag": "W/\"31762030\"",
"title": "Sample Case",
"incidentid": "d3d685f9-cddd-ea11-a813-000d3a122b89",
"customerid_account": {
"name": "Fourth Coffee",
"accountid": "ccd685f9-cddd-ea11-a813-000d3a122b89",
"primarycontactid": null
See this example (Ctrl+F "Nested Filter in Expand") where all People are returned but only the Trips matching the $filter are expanded.
So the $filter behavior in the expansion will just control whether the detail will be returned or not. It isn't a INNER JOIN behavior. You will need to use FetchXml to achieve this.