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Variables in SQLITE Python

I am working in Jupyter Notebooks using pandasql, which uses SQLight syntax. I am trying to select entries from a certain month, depending on a variable. I am planning to create a Python function that will change the value of the variable being used, but right now I am trying to get "Parameterized Queries" to work.

My table has the columns DATE PAYED, PAYEE, AMOUNT

This is what my SQL query looks like:

varMonth= "01"
q = """
        strftime('%m', "DATE DUE") as "months"
        "months" = "01"    
test2020 = sqldf(q, globals())

The above code successfully selects all entries from January. I want to change the WHERE conditional to compare against the variable varMonth.

I've seen there are different ways to pass a value in an SQL query, like ?, :1, :varMonth, %s, %(varMonth)s, +varMonth+ but these don't seem to work with my code. When tried they produced this error: PandaSQLException: (sqlite3.ProgrammingError) Incorrect number of bindings supplied. The current statement uses 1, and there are 0 supplied. I can put them in quotes without an error but then the variable is treated as a string. I have seen .execute() (1)(2)as a way to pass the query variables, however when I change the last line to sqldf.execute(q, [varMonth]) I received the error AttributeError: 'function' object has no attribute 'execute'.

Any advice on how to use variables in an SQL query on JupyterNotebooks using pandasql?


  • It seems that pandasql and pysqldf don't have method to use variables in query like for normal database - so you have to use string formatting

    q = """
            strftime('%m', "DATE DUE") as "months"
            "months" = "{}"    

    or f-string

    q = f"""
            strftime('%m', "DATE DUE") as "months"
            "months" = "{varMonth}"    


    I checked source code for both modules and both use pandas.read_sql() which can get params=(...) like for normal database but modules don't use it.

    If you use ?, %s, etc. then you get only error because params is None