Currently i have an ecommerce site being tracked by google analytics, implemented with gtag.js.
here's what i was trying to do :
here's what i've done so far :
results i'm getting so far :
i don't think adding a ga('require', 'displayfeatures'); code would help, since i implemented by using gtag.js...
( related link : )
and ideas? or points to give?
According with Dimensions & Metrics Explorer ( this combination of dimensions is questionable: sku + browser + gender + age + device + time.
However, when analyzing users based on age, gender and interest categories it should be taken into account that this data, in Google Analytics, is only available to a subset of users (
Also, the documentation About Demographics and Interests says:
Thresholds are applied to prevent anyone viewing a report from inferring the demographics or interests of individual users. When a report contains Age, Gender, or Interest Category (as a primary or secondary dimension, or as part of an applied segment), a threshold may be applied and some data may be withheld from the report. For example, if there are fewer than N instances of Gender=male in a report, then data for the male value may be withheld. These thresholds are system defined, and you cannot adjust them. If a threshold has been applied to a report, you will see a notice below the report title.
For this reason, when you use one of the demographic reports as a dimension, the data is no longer complete.