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Convert Html fields to Struts2 tags

I am new to struts2... I designed a page in plain html.. now i have use this html page in struts2 project.. how can i convert html field elements to Struts2 ui tags ??? My html page looks like:

    <td class="style4">**Customer Name***</td>
    <td><input type="text" name="Scr_Inq_CName" class="body-fieldsTextFields" id="Scr_Inq_CName_id" tabindex="4" onkeypress="return CommonKeyPressIsAlpha(event);"/></td>                 

I have assigned style(style4) to a label "Customer name" and style(body-fieldsTextFields) to text box and also i have performed validation on this..

When i use Struts-tag

It displays text field with style(body-fieldsTextFields) applied, When i run project... But Customer name label is displayed in separate row <tr><td>Customer name</td></tr>.

And text field is displayed in below table row <tr>. i found this kind of disorder using FireBug.

how to apply style4 to Customer name label and body-fieldsTextFields style to all textfields and also how can i make both label and text field to be displayed in same row ?????



  • <tr>
        <td class="style4">**Customer Name***</td>
        <td><s:textfield cssClass="body-fieldsTextFields" theme="simple" name="Scr_Inq_CName" id="Scr_Inq_CName_id" onkeypress="return CommonKeyPressIsAlpha(event);"/></td>                 

    This will give you what you want

    theme="simple" will remove the struts styling. cssClass attribute is used by struts2 tags to use css classes.

    Also take a look at Steven's comment.You need to increase your accept rate.