I have a project that adopts Spring Vault to fetch credential. Dependencies of the project are as following and build.gradle
file is generated automatically afterwards.
When I build the project I got the error
Could not resolve org.springframework.vault:spring-vault-core:2.2.2.RELEASE.
Possible solution:
- Declare repository providing the artifact, see the documentation at https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/declaring_repositories.html
I have checked the libraries by going to the Project Structures and got the weird thing
The weird thing I mean here is about the path of the jar file. It should be something like
How can I fix this issue in IntelliJ?
When you get an error about could not resolve dependencies in gradle
, then there are several things you need to check.
)For the problem of proxy setting, simply set values for the following fields inside gradle.properties
For the problem of permission, try creating directories with the name of dependencies cannot be resolved, for example, org.springframework.vault
at %GRADLE_HOME%\caches\modules-2\files-2.1
. If you got permission denied or simply cannot create, then please contact your IT support!