Started using node red to make a better interface than tkinter, all is going good but i am trying to now connect node red to show devices connected to my i2c bus, i am using the i2c scan node which shows 3 devices connected to my i2c bus at address 39,72,and 73, but my devices are connected to 27,48,and 49. i have ads1x15.ads1015 connected to 0x47 ads1x15.ads1015 connected to 0x48 gpio expander conneccted to 0x27
any ideas why i am seeing the wrong numbers on the ic2 scan in node red compared to i2cdect -y 1 in the terminal window on the rasberry pi4?
The answers from the node are right, it's just that they are in base 10 not base 16
0x27 = 39
0x48 = 72
0x49 = 74