I'm attempting to style a link to a colour that is generated from an API. This works for text buttons etc, but when I try to apply this to a link it doesn't work.
<a href="#" [ngStyle]="{'color': brand?.colours.secondary}" *ngIf="!visitorName" (click)="setVisitor()">Don't want to give your name? That's fine! Start the review!</a>
It just gets overridden by the bootstrap link styling.
Applying this to a 'p' tag works just fine however - so the correct colour code is pulled from the API and loaded in ok:
<p class="mt-5" [ngStyle]="{'color': brand?.colours.secondary}">Don't worry we won't use your details for anything other then to give you the best experience possible.</p>
Instead of ngstyle
, use attr.style
in SomeComponent.ts
myColor = fetchColorSomehow(); //#ff55aa or any color
in SomeComponent.html
Here we are overriding the bootstrap color using !important