I have a docker-compose setup made up with 2+ containers that I use for local development. I'm trying to deploy the following to AWS ECS and I successfully deployed the first service but I'm struggling deploying more. It seems like I'm missing something in the configuration.
To deploy the first service to ECS, I followed these steps:
To deploy the second service, I'm trying to follow steps 1,3 and 6 and it seems like it's deployed successfully. However, when I try to hit any endpoint from the second service, it results in /404 at the first one.
As I understand, my current ELB configuration is set up to route all the traffic to the first instance, so my question is - which steps I should also re-use while deploying the 2nd service? Should it have a separate ELB and security group?
I tried googling it but all the articles are about deploying a single instance which I had no problems with.
You dont need to create a cluster for second service. You need create another task definition with new image of second service (deployed to the ECR). Next step is create a service in the cluster and setup Service discovery in the Configure network step.