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How to clone, build, and link g2o framework in C++

I want to use g2o library in my C++11 project on Ubuntu 18.04, but I cannot make build working. I have all the dependencies. But I cannot link g2o library to my project via CMakeLists.txt

I am a newbie in C++ dependencies.

I've tried cloning repository and building it with cmake.

The structure is as following:

|__ cmake_modules
|__ project_src
|__ CMakeLists.txt

|__ Thirdparty
   |____ g2o
       |____ bin
       |____ build
       |____ cmake_modules # findG2O.cmake
       |____ lib # .so shared libraries (all of them, like 20)
       |____ g2o
            |____ core # headers and source files
            |____ solvers
            |____ types
       |____ CMakeLists.txt

I added cmake_modules from inside g2o to the CMakeLists.txt of my_project and than try to find it with find_package but it is not found.


find_package(G2O REQUIRED)
   message(FATAL_ERROR "G2O not found.")

I left findG2O.cmake untouched as it is in

Should I change the findG2O.cmake? I do not really understand what is going on. How should I proceed with building out of the source and linking?

I haven't found precise answer to my problem anywhere on StackOverflow but maybe I just didn't know what I was searching for.

Error message was:

/home/miki/ORB_SLAM2/Thirdparty/g2o/g2o/types/sim3/types_seven_dof_expmap.h:29:10: fatal error: g2o/config.h: No such file or directory #include "g2o/config.h"

When I tried to change to #include "../../config.h" it worked. How can I solve it in CMakeLists so I do not have to change all includes in ThirdParty library?


  • The config.h is generated after executing the command

     cmake ..

    in the folder


    , and this file has some information like what type of used floating point or library you try to use. I think such information will be used to modify some code blocks automatically.

    By default, the location of file config.h is in the folder


    Or you can also use the command

     make install

    to copy this file to the install path.

    If your ${CMAKE_PREFIX_INTALL} is /home/user/, then the location of file config.h is in the folder


    And if you want to find g2o libraries with find_package, then you need to write

    set (G2O_ROOT  /home/user)

    before the find_package.

    Finally, add the header path into CMakeLists.txt, like
