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How to use Accelerometer to measure distance for Android Application Development

I am just a beginner in the application development industry. I know the accelerometer can be used to return the current acceleration along three axis in meters per second squared (m/s2). But I have come to know that an accelerometer can also be use as speedometer.

I want to know how I can use accelerometer to determine distance traveled by Android device between points of interest. If it is possible, then how can I implement it? I have seen a similar question "how do I measure the distance traveled by an Iphone using accelerometer" How do I measure the distance traveled by an iPhone using the accelerometer?. But I didn't come to a point.

Thank You, Arslan


  • You get position by integrating the linear acceleration twice but the error is horrible. It is useless in practice.

    Here is an explanation why (Google Tech Talk) at 23:20. I highly recommend this video.

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