I am trying to create a title page and I want to include some list like this:
{\Large \textbf{Entity 1:} \quad Some entity 1 \protect\\
\textbf{Entity 2:} \quad Some entity 2 \protect\\
\textbf{Slightly longer entity:} \quad Some slightly longer entity \protect\\
\textbf{The last entity:} \quad Some entity 3 \par}
However this produces entire lines center-aligned. Whereas I aim to make it look like titles right-aligned and text left-aligned. I could not figure out how to do it. Any help is appreciated.
Use a tabular
\textbf{Entity 1:} & Some entity 1\\
\textbf{Entity 2:} & Some entity 2 \\
\textbf{Slightly longer entity:} & Some slightly longer entity\\
\textbf{The last entity:} & Some entity 3\\