I use UpdateAttribute to check timings of slow processors. First UpdateAttribute has DATA_START ${now()}
, while the second one has DATA_STOP ${now()}
attribute. Slow processor is placed between the two.
I've been trying to convert DATA_START
to a number, so I could calculate the time difference.
This doesn't work, unfortunately. The issue is in this part ${DATA_START:toNumber()}
. NiFi couldn't convert previously saved now()
into a number.
I have a lot of timers in my flow, so adding new attributes that will contain ${now():toNumber()}
would be troublesome.
Is there any way to apply toNumber()
to a previously saved now()
Various types of format
and toDate()
didn't work.
I found a solution, but it looks like a hack
${now():toNumber():minus(${DATA_START:format('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'):toDate('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'):toNumber()}):divide(1000)}
For some reason, NiFi doesn't think that previously saved now()
is a Data. I convert it to a String, then convert it back to a Date, and in the end, I could get a timestamp. Timestamps can be manipulated and that's what I need.
${DATA_START:format('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'):toDate('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'):toNumber()}