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Replace all values to NA in specific columns using mutate and gsub

In my data frame I want to replace all values in certain columns to NA.

       ID    Sex Location Obs1 Obs4        Obs5
1  291978 FEMALE        2 16.5 4836 0.563636364
2  292429 FEMALE        2 20.2 5428 0.584158416
3  292466 FEMALE        2 19.2   48 0.005208333
4  293656 FEMALE        2 15.8 2904 0.417721519
5  291993 FEMALE        2 18.1 6194 0.900552486
6  293263 FEMALE        2 17.9  616 0.078212291
7  290200 FEMALE        2 16.7  792 0.107784431
8  292511 FEMALE        2 18.3 4992 0.568306011
9  291510 FEMALE        2 18.6  350 0.037634409
10 293711 FEMALE        2 18.2  264 0.032967033
11 295234 FEMALE        2 16.5  216 0.036363636
12 293839 FEMALE        2 15.0 4114 0.806666667
13 291057 FEMALE        2 16.7   56 0.005988024
14 295094 FEMALE        2 16.5 3154 0.503030303
15 295562 FEMALE        2 14.7  966 0.142857143
16 292381 FEMALE        2 17.4 1980 0.258620690
17 289765 FEMALE        2 17.8 3492 0.544943820
18 293871 FEMALE        2 18.2 3760 0.516483516
19 291076 FEMALE        2 16.8   88 0.011904762
20 293851 FEMALE        2 16.1 2242 0.366459627

Firstly, I want to specify for which columns the values should be replaced to NA. This can be only one columns, or multiple. That's why I prefer to put it into a vector.

> Obs <- c('Obs1')

Then, I've tried to replace all values in column 'Obs1' to NA, using:

> deselect <- Test2 %>% mutate(across(paste(Obs), gsub(".*",NA,paste(Obs))))

However, it gives me this error:

Error: Problem with `mutate()` input `..1`.
x Problem with `across()` input `.fns`.
i Input `.fns` must be NULL, a function, a formula, or a list of functions/formulas.
i Input `..1` is `across(paste(Obs), gsub(".*", NA, paste(Obs)))`.
Run `rlang::last_error()` to see where the error occurred.

Anyone an idea how to use gsub within across, within mutate? Or should I use another method?

Many thanks!


  • Or use mutate_at:

    > Obs = c("Obs1", "Obs4")
    > df %>% mutate_at(Obs, function(x) x = NA)
           ID    Sex Location Obs1 Obs4        Obs5
    1  291978 FEMALE        2   NA   NA 0.563636364
    2  292429 FEMALE        2   NA   NA 0.584158416
    3  292466 FEMALE        2   NA   NA 0.005208333
    4  293656 FEMALE        2   NA   NA 0.417721519
    5  291993 FEMALE        2   NA   NA 0.900552486
    6  293263 FEMALE        2   NA   NA 0.078212291
    7  290200 FEMALE        2   NA   NA 0.107784431
    8  292511 FEMALE        2   NA   NA 0.568306011
    9  291510 FEMALE        2   NA   NA 0.037634409
    10 293711 FEMALE        2   NA   NA 0.032967033
    11 295234 FEMALE        2   NA   NA 0.036363636
    12 293839 FEMALE        2   NA   NA 0.806666667
    13 291057 FEMALE        2   NA   NA 0.005988024
    14 295094 FEMALE        2   NA   NA 0.503030303
    15 295562 FEMALE        2   NA   NA 0.142857143
    16 292381 FEMALE        2   NA   NA 0.258620690
    17 289765 FEMALE        2   NA   NA 0.544943820
    18 293871 FEMALE        2   NA   NA 0.516483516
    19 291076 FEMALE        2   NA   NA 0.011904762
    20 293851 FEMALE        2   NA   NA 0.366459627