I have a text file called sorted_passes.txt with the following:
I would like to have a timer either do one of the following:
My plan is to eventually have the countdown timer(s) display via a MAX7219 led board connected to raspberry pi.
So far, I have this python code:
# calculate time until next pass
from datetime import datetime
futuredate = datetime.strptime('10:56:46', '%H:%M:%S')
nowdate = datetime.now()
count = int((futuredate-nowdate).total_seconds())
days = count//86400
hours = (count-days*86400)//3600
minutes = (count-days*86400-hours*3600)//60
seconds = count-days*86400-hours*3600-minutes*60
print("Next Pass: {}h:{}m:{}s".format(hours, minutes, seconds))
This should get you started:
from datetime import datetime
from time import sleep
def compare(event):
"""Return True if it's counting down, false if the time already passed"""
now = datetime.now()
if now <= event:
diff = event - now
print("Countdown: {}".format(diff))
return True
return False
def extract_timestamp(line):
"""Extract datetime from string:
NOAA18 23/08/2020 10:56:46 Max Elev: 67
time_stamp = line[7:][:-14]
time_event = datetime.strptime(time_stamp, '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S')
return time_event
def open_file():
with open('sorted_passes.txt', 'r') as f:
return f.readlines()
data = open_file()
# iterate through the lines of the file
for line in data:
ts = extract_timestamp(line)
while compare(ts):
print("Next event")
This will print a countdown statement with how long it takes, sleeps a second. Or it will go to the next event until all lines are checked.
You need to make sure the file dates are incremental (e.g. a new line is always later than the earlier lines).
Example output (I manually changed the date in the last line):
Next event
Next event
Next event
Countdown: 0:00:03.531014
Countdown: 0:00:02.526724
Countdown: 0:00:01.524277
Countdown: 0:00:00.518995