In the following program, the last invariant of the loop fails to verify. But if I put it as an assert before the while loop, the condition verifies. If I add that the field ia
does not change, it also verifies. Why is this needed? Shouldn't this be implied by the read permissions? I can imagine that old
interacts in a weird way with the loop pre-state/havocking of the state, but that doesn't explain to me why it fails. Could it be a bug?
domain VCTArray[CT] {
function loc(a: VCTArray[CT], i: Int): CT
function alen(a: VCTArray[CT]): Int
// a field
field ia: VCTArray[Ref]
// a field
field item: Int
method negatefirst(diz: Ref)
requires diz != null
requires acc(diz.ia, 1/2)
requires alen(diz.ia) > 0 ==> acc(loc(diz.ia, 0).item, write)
// Verifies just fine
assert alen(diz.ia) > 0 ==> (old(loc(diz.ia, 0).item) == old(loc(diz.ia, 0).item))
while (false)
invariant acc(diz.ia, 1/4)
// invariant diz.ia == old(diz.ia) // Adding this invariant allows the program to verify
invariant alen(diz.ia) > 0 ==> acc(loc(diz.ia, 0).item, write)
// Error: insufficient permission to acces loc(diz.ia, 0).item
invariant alen(diz.ia) > 0 ==> (old(loc(diz.ia, 0).item) == old(loc(diz.ia, 0).item))
My silicon version:
$ ./ --help
Silicon 1.1-SNAPSHOT (d45da1d7+)
The behaviour you observed is a known difference between Silicon and Carbon, which can indeed be confusing.
Here is what's happening in Silicon: Loop bodies are essentially verified in isolation, i.e. modularly: the invariant is inhaled in an empty state, followed by the loop guard; then the body is verified. When inhaling your last invariant, its left-hand side alen(diz.ia) > 0
is assumed (on one path) and its right-hand side old(loc(diz.ia, 0).item) == old(loc(diz.ia, 0).item)
is (attempted to be) inhaled. Now, recall that the ongoing verification happens in isolation, in a new state: therefore, diz.ia
in the current state might not reference the same object as diz.ia
in the old
state. If so, then alen(diz.ia) > 0
(current state) does not imply old(alen(diz.ia) > 0)
, and field old(loc(diz.ia, 0).item)
might thus not be accessible. Consequently, assuming that the reference did not change between these two states — i.e. invariant diz.ia == old(diz.ia)
— makes the program verify.
That's the purist's way of verifying a loop body; in practice, the isolation is not as strict: both verifiers frame knowledge about local variables into the loop, for variables that (syntactically) aren't assigned to in the loop body. Here's an example:
method test() {
var i: Int := 0
var j: Int := 0
while (true)
assert i == 0 // Verified
assert j == 0 // Rejected
j := j
Carbon goes a step further and also frames knowledge about fields into the loop body, for fields for which the surrounding verification scope (e.g. the method body containing the loop) retains some permissions:
field f: Int
method test(r: Ref, p: Perm) {
inhale none < p
inhale acc(r.f, p) && r.f == 0
while (true)
invariant acc(r.f, p/2) // Verified in Carbon, rejected by Silicon
assert r.f == 0
The above verifies in Carbon as-is, but no longer, if you change the invariant's permissions to p
(or havoc the field's value by exhale acc(r.f, p); inhale acc(r.f, p)
right before the loop).
Bottom line: the Viper team should decide on the "right" semantics, and make sure both verifiers adhere to it.