I did 4 commits in my project till 3 commits I was able to see changes on GitHub but after 4rth commit it is not showing changes online.
git log --oneline
0d2084d (HEAD) fourth commit
a3fb0e9 (origin/master, master) third commit
89d2764 second commit
c600e93 first commit
git push -u origin master
Everything up-to-date
Branch 'master' set up to track remote branch 'master' from 'origin'.
From the output of git log --oneline
, we can see that the 4th commit is on a detached HEAD instead of master
. master
does have only 3 commits. This detached HEAD could most probably be caused by git checkout a3fb0e9
or git checkout origin/master
To apply the 4th commit onto master
, you can
git checkout master
git merge 0d2084d
And then run git push origin master
to push the 4th commit to the remote repository.