Is it possible to change the color and other CSS properties of anchors in iBooks epubs?
The color property doesn't react at all, while I do get background-color change on normal and hover link state (which activates on tap). The :hover background-color also remains after I come back to the book from Safari, until I tap another link on the same page, then the first one loses :hover bg color and the second one gets it.
:visited, :active or :focus don't do anything.
Am I missing something?
** Update 2012.09.12 **
You can now specify the option "specified-fonts" in the special ibooks file "" located in META-INF folder :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<platform name="*">
<option name="specified-fonts">true</option>
This will activate anchors styling, but only when the reader choose the font "Original" in iBooks. So you still need to use the trick beneath for the other fonts.
** End of update 2012.09.12 **
You're not missing anything, iBooks does not support style on links.
There is a way to get around it with the property -webkit-text-fill-color.
Be aware that it doesn't do anything on Adobe Digital Editions.
Here is a sample :
a:link, a:visited, a:hover, a:active
-webkit-text-fill-color: red;
I got this from twitter on #eprdctn.