I want to insert the image of Annonces, so I insert link in db annonces\August2020\annonces.jpeg like laravel voyager, but I want to give me month and year automatically, uppercase month for 1st alphabet and year in NUMBERS like laravel voyager.
public function store(Request $request)
$Annonce = new Annonce();
$image = $request->file('image');
$Annonce->image = 'annonces\August2020\annonces' .".".$image->extension();
return Redirect::to("annonces")
->withSuccess('Great! file has been successfully uploaded.');
you can do something like this, take a look:
$destinationPath = "/Uploads/" . $id . "/" . jdate()->getYear() . "/" . jdate()->getMonth() . "/" . jdate()->getDay();
note: jdate is persian time helper, instead of that use carbon or whatever for agust2020 you can do something like:
"/uploads/".jdate()->getMonth().jdate()->getYear()."/". jdate()->getDay()