Search code examples

Issue in mapping through array in reactjs

I am new to ReactJs. My Project is fetching data from my backend, which contains a Cell Id, and then sending that Cell Id to another api and receiving the latitude and longitude of the Cell ID. In order to do this I have to store the locations for each cell Id. It seems that I am able to store the latitude and longitude in this.state.loc. However I am running into an issue when mapping through that array to put markers on the map. In the first code block when I try to log the latitude of the locations to the console it only logs one of them.

import React, {Component,useState, useEffect} from 'react';
import './App.css';
import {GoogleMap, withScriptjs, withGoogleMap, Marker, useLoadScript, InfoWindow} from "react-google-maps";

class App extends Component {
    constructor(props) {
        this.state = {
        users: [],

   componentDidMount() {
        .then(users=> => {
            var num = user.CallingCellID
            if(num != null) {
                                var digits = (num).toString().split('');
                                var realDigits =;
                                var mcc = 419;
                                var mnc = 4;
                                var lac = (realDigits[6]*1000) + (realDigits[7]*100) + (realDigits[8]*10) + (realDigits[9]*1);
                                var cid = (realDigits[10]*10000)+ (realDigits[11]*1000) + (realDigits[12]*100) + (realDigits[13]*10) + (realDigits[14]*1);
                                .then(response => response.json())
                                .then(result=> {
                                const locations =;
                                if( != undefined) {
                                var x = [{lat:, lng: locations.lon}];
                                Promise.all(x).then(data => {this.setState({ loc: data })})

    render() {

        const MyMapComponent = withScriptjs(withGoogleMap((Map) =>
                            <GoogleMap defaultZoom={2} defaultCenter={{ lat: -34.397, lng: 150.644 }}>


    return (
            <div className="App">
            <header className="App-header">
            <label for="Location Search"> Location Search: </label>
            <input type = "text" id = "Location Search" name = "Location Search"/>
            <label for="Account Search"> Account Search: </label>
            <input type = "text" id = "Account Search" name = "Account Search"/>
            <label for="IMSI Search"> IMSI Search: </label>
            <select id="IMSI Search" name="IMSI">

           <option value="1">1</option>)
            <label for="IMSI RANGE:"> IMSI RANGE </label>
            <input type = "text" id = "IMSI RANGE" name = "IMSI RANGE"/>
            <input type = "text" id = "IMSI RANGE2" name = "IMSI RANGE2"/>
            <div id = "googlemap">
            loadingElement={<div style={{ height: `800px` }} />}
            containerElement={<div style={{ height: `1500px` }} />}
            mapElement={<div style={{ height: `800px` }} />}

export default App;

But in the code block below, when I move the map function for loc outside myMapComponent, and just below render(), it successfully logs the latitudes to the console.

 render() {
        const MyMapComponent = withScriptjs(withGoogleMap((Map) =>
                            <GoogleMap defaultZoom={2} defaultCenter={{ lat: -34.397, lng: 150.644 }}>

I am new to react, so I am not sure what is the issue. Im not sure if it has to do with the way I stored the locations for each Cell ID, or if it's some other issue.


  • You will have to use a callback function because after calling setState , the data might not be updated immediately for use.

    You will need to pass a callback function like this

    this.setState({users}, () => {
    **Do your **

    You can refer to this post also.

    When to use React setState callback