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Create a matrix based on given constraints

I am trying to create a matrix with the following constraints.

  1. The column sum should be between 300 and 390, both values inclusive.
  2. Row sum should be equal to user-specified values per row.
  3. No non-zero value in the matrix should be less than 10.
  4. The count of non-zero values in a given column should not exceed 4.
  5. The columns should be arranged in a diagonal order.

if UserInput = [427.7, 12.2, 352.7, 58.3, 22.7, 31.9, 396.4, 29.4, 171.5, 474.5, 27.9, 200]

I want output matrix something like this,

Example matrix

Edit 1

I have tried the following approach using Pyomo, however, I got stuck on 5th constraint that column values should be diagonally aligned in the matrix

import sys
import math
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from pyomo.environ import *

solverpath_exe= 'glpk-4.65\\w64\\glpsol.exe'

# Minimize the following:
# Remaining pieces to be zero for all et values
# The number of cells containg non-zero values

# Constraints
# 1) Column sum, CS, is: 300 <= CS <= 390
# 2) Row sum, RS, is equal to user-specified values, which are present in the E&T ticket column of the file
# 3) Number of non-zero values, NZV, in each column, should be: 0 < NZV <= 4
# 4) The NZV in the matrix should be: NZV >= 10
# 5) The pieces are stacked on top of each other. So, a the cell under a non-zero value cell is zero, than all cells underneath should have zeros.

maxlen = 390
minlen = 300
npiece = 4
piecelen = 10

# Input data: E&T Ticket values
etinput = [427.7, 12.2, 352.7, 58.3, 22.7, 31.9,
           396.4, 29.4, 171.5, 474.5, 27.9, 200]

# Create data structures to store values
etnames  = [f'et{i}' for i in range(1,len(etinput) + 1)]
colnames = [f'col{i}' for i in range(1, math.ceil(sum(etinput)/minlen))] #+1 as needed

et_val = dict(zip(etnames, etinput))

# Instantiate Concrete Model
model2 = ConcreteModel()

# define variables and set upper bound to 390 
model2.vals = Var(etnames, colnames, domain=NonNegativeReals,bounds = (0, maxlen), initialize=0)

# Create Boolean variables
bigM = 10000
model2.y = Var(colnames, domain= Boolean)
model2.z = Var(etnames, colnames, domain= Boolean)

# Minimizing the sum of difference between the E&T Ticket values and rows 
model2.minimizer = Objective(expr= sum(et_val[r] - model2.vals[r, c]
                                      for r in etnames for c in colnames),

model2.reelconstraint = ConstraintList()
for c in colnames:
    model2.reelconstraint.add(sum(model2.vals[r,c] for r in etnames) <= bigM * model2.y[c])

# Set constraints for row sum equal to ET values
model2.rowconstraint = ConstraintList()
for r in etnames:
    model2.rowconstraint.add(sum(model2.vals[r, c] for c in colnames) <= et_val[r])

# Set contraints for upper bound of column sums
model2.colconstraint_upper = ConstraintList()
for c in colnames:
    model2.colconstraint_upper.add(sum(model2.vals[r, c] for r in etnames) <= maxlen)

# Set contraints for lower bound of column sums
model2.colconstraint_lower = ConstraintList()
for c in colnames:
    model2.colconstraint_lower.add(sum(model2.vals[r, c] for r in etnames) + bigM * (1-model2.y[c]) >= minlen)

model2.bool = ConstraintList()
for c in colnames:
    for r in etnames:
        model2.bool.add(model2.vals[r,c] <= bigM * model2.z[r,c])

model2.npienceconstraint = ConstraintList()
for c in colnames:
    model2.npienceconstraint.add(sum(model2.z[r, c] for r in etnames) <= npiece)

# Call solver for model

# Create dataframe of output
pdtest = pd.DataFrame([[model2.vals[r, c].value for c in colnames] for r in etnames],





  • I think you were on the right track with setting this up as an LP. It can be formulated as a MIP.

    I haven't tinkered with any variety of inputs here, and I'm not sure you are guaranteed feasible results for all inputs with the constraints you have.

    I penalized off-diagonal selection to encourage things on diagonal, and set up some "selection integrality" constraints to enforce block-selection.

    Solves in about 1/10 of second...

    # magic matrix
    # Constraints
    # 1) Column sum, CS, is: 300 <= CS <= 390
    # 2) Row sum, RS, is equal to user-specified values, which are present in the E&T ticket column of the file
    # 3) Number of non-zero values, NZV, in each column, should be: 0 < NZV <= 4
    # 4) The NZV in the matrix should be: NZV >= 10
    # 5) The pieces are stacked on top of each other. So, a the cell under a non-zero value cell is zero, than all cells underneath should have zeros.
    import pyomo.environ as pyo
    # user input
    row_tots = [427.7, 12.2, 352.7, 58.3, 22.7, 31.9, 396.4, 29.4, 171.5, 474.5, 27.9, 200]
    min_col_sum = 300
    max_col_sum = 390
    max_non_zero = 4
    min_size = 10
    bigM = max(row_tots)
    m = pyo.ConcreteModel()
    # SETS
    m.I = pyo.Set(initialize=range(len(row_tots)))
    m.I_not_first = pyo.Set(within=m.I, initialize=range(1, len(row_tots)))
    m.J = pyo.Set(initialize=range(int(sum(row_tots)/min_col_sum)))
    # PARAMS
    m.row_tots = pyo.Param(m.I, initialize={k:v for k,v in enumerate(row_tots)})
    # set up weights (penalties) based on distance from diagonal line
    # between corners using indices as points and using distance-to-line formula
    weights = { (i, j) : abs((len(m.I)-1)/(len(m.J)-1)*j - i) for i in m.I for j in m.J}
    m.weight  = pyo.Param(m.I * m.J, initialize=weights)
    # VARS
    m.X = pyo.Var(m.I, m.J, domain=pyo.NonNegativeReals)
    m.Y = pyo.Var(m.I, m.J, domain=pyo.Binary)          # selection indicator
    m.UT = pyo.Var(m.I, m.J, domain=pyo.Binary)         # upper triangle of non-selects
    # C1: col min sum
    def col_sum_min(m, j):
        return sum(m.X[i, j] for i in m.I) >= min_col_sum
    m.C1 = pyo.Constraint(m.J, rule=col_sum_min)
    # C2: col max sum
    def col_sum_max(m, j):
        return sum(m.X[i, j] for i in m.I) <= max_col_sum
    m.C2 = pyo.Constraint(m.J, rule=col_sum_max)
    # C3: row sum 
    def row_sum(m, i):
        return sum(m.X[i, j] for j in m.J) == m.row_tots[i]
    m.C3 = pyo.Constraint(m.I, rule=row_sum)
    # C4: max nonzeros
    def max_nz(m, j):
        return sum(m.Y[i, j] for i in m.I) <= max_non_zero
    m.C4 = pyo.Constraint(m.J, rule=max_nz)
    # selection variable enforcement
    def selection_low(m, i, j):
        return min_size*m.Y[i, j] <= m.X[i, j]
    m.C10 = pyo.Constraint(m.I, m.J, rule=selection_low)
    def selection_high(m, i, j):
        return m.X[i, j] <= bigM*m.Y[i, j]
    m.C11 = pyo.Constraint(m.I, m.J, rule=selection_high)
    # continuously select blocks in columns.  Use markers for "upper triangle" to omit them
    # a square may be selected if previous was, or if previous is in upper triangle
    def continuous_selection(m, i, j):
        return m.Y[i, j] <= m.Y[i-1, j] + m.UT[i-1, j]
    m.C13 = pyo.Constraint(m.I_not_first, m.J, rule=continuous_selection)
    # enforce row-continuity in upper triangle
    def upper_triangle_continuous_selection(m, i, j):
        return m.UT[i, j] <= m.UT[i-1, j]
    m.C14 = pyo.Constraint(m.I_not_first, m.J, rule=upper_triangle_continuous_selection)
    # enforce either-or for selection or membership in upper triangle
    def either(m, i, j):
        return m.UT[i, j] + m.Y[i, j] <= 1
    m.C15 = pyo.Constraint(m.I, m.J, rule=either)
    # OBJ:  Minimze number of selected cells, penalize for off-diagonal selection
    def objective(m):
        return sum(m.Y[i, j]*m.weight[i, j] for i in m.I for j in m.J)
    #   return sum(sum(m.X[i,j] for j in m.J) - m.row_tots[i] for i in m.I) #+\
    #           sum(m.Y[i,j]*m.weight[i,j] for i in m.I for j in m.J)
    m.OBJ = pyo.Objective(rule=objective)
    solver = pyo.SolverFactory('cbc')
    results = solver.solve(m)
    for i in m.I:
        for j in m.J:
            print(f'{m.X[i,j].value : 3.1f}', end='\t')
    print('\npenalty matrix check...')
    for i in m.I:
        for j in m.J:
            print(f'{m.weight[i,j] : 3.1f}', end='\t')


     300.0   127.7   0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0    
     0.0     12.2    0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0    
     0.0     165.6   187.1   0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0    
     0.0     0.0     58.3    0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0    
     0.0     0.0     22.7    0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0    
     0.0     0.0     31.9    0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0    
     0.0     0.0     0.0     300.0   96.4    0.0     0.0    
     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     29.4    0.0     0.0    
     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     171.5   0.0     0.0    
     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     10.0    390.0   74.5   
     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     27.9   
     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     200.0