instance_tags.stdout output would look like
Expected output of fallowing snippet is App Server-Development
- name: get instance tags
win_shell: aws ec2 --region us-east-1 describe-tags \ --filters "Name=resource-id,Values={{instance_id}}"
register: instance_tags
- name: echo instance tags
msg: "{{instance_tags.stdout | json_query('Tags[?Key==''AMSPatchGroup''].Value')}}"
But Actual Output is
You at least want instance_tags.stdout | from_json | ...
since .stdout
is a string, not an actual structure
One can see this behavior with a simple experiment showing {{ '{"a":"b"}' | json_query("a") }}
returns ""
just like your experience, but {{ '{"a":"b"}' | from_json | json_query("a") }}
produces "b"
as one would expect