This is what my structure looks like:
{'MovieName': 'Its-a-Wonderful-Life', 'Description': 'MovieDiscription', 'IMDBID': '0038650'}
I want to print out only the MovieName element.
I'm using this code to get it:
db = TinyDB('Databases/Downloaded_Movies.json')
for item in db:
but I'm getting this error:
AttributeError: 'Document' object has no attribute 'MovieName'
How do I fix the code?
TinyDB expects an indexed table document, not a list. Unless you want to write a custom middleware for your TinyDB, you'll either have to modify your JSON
"1 ": {'MovieName': 'Its-a-Wonderful-Life', 'Description': 'MovieDiscription', 'IMDBID': '0038650'}
or you can try to print the element with indexes as
import json
wjson =
wjdata = json.loads(wjson)
print wjdata['1'][0]['Moviename']